DevGameClub is born...join us!
Hello everyone! Thanks for joining us for our first episode of Dev Game Club. Brett and I are starting off the show with a "Beta" series where we play System Shock 2 as a test for us to get into the groove of making a podcast for the first time. This is something we both have wanted to do for quite awhile and it ended up making a lot of sense to me for us to join forces and just jump in.
The idea for the podcast was inspired by one of my favorite podcasts called Rebel FM. The folks on that cast used to occasionally have a "Game Club" format where they would choose a game and play it piece by piece or level by level, and talk about it in a series format for the audience to play along with them as they listened.
Well, I had always loved that idea. Especially hearing it from a set of journalists' point of view. Then I had the idea to basically rip them off and do a similar podcast but from a Developer's point of view. Brett and I go way back so it seemed like a good idea for he and I to team up and try it out. I can't wait for people to listen! I'll sign off for now. Brett will be posting the first episode tomorrow and he will also put up the show notes at the same time. Happy listening!